All you need is love ♥

 Little things matter!  There are a lot of things you have no control over in this world.  And, there are things you can help change with time, patience, and determination.

Today though is about the little things you can change right now to make your own little world a place you love to call "home".  I didn't think much about that until I went outside this morning looking for a spot to take a photo of my latest quilt finish.  Here's what I saw...

A pretty pot of flowers right by my front door!  These were on the dead & dying rack at Lowe's a couple of months ago.  All they needed was a little love (and a whole lot of water).

Then I saw the scrap wood, that Sam used to paint a little Valentine's Day yard display.  Oh, how much fun it is to watch children smile and point as they walk by!

Next was the broken and rusty, plant stand Sam had found on the side of the road.  It makes me so happy that he went to work to paint it and fill it with flowers as soon as I mentioned how cute it would be for Valentine's Day.  

And last but not least, that thing in my arms.  The reminder of how important it is to find the things that make you happy, and do more of  them!  For me, it's the immense joy of taking an abandoned project over the finish line to quilted and bound.

You can read more details about the quilt and see a closer view of the blocks in this post

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