How to make a jean quilt

I originally had another denim stained glass pattern in mind but, our friend was small so wouldn't have been able to cut any 12" squares (unless I left some leg seams in them which I thought might make the quilt even heavier less comfortable).  I saw the idea for this quilt for a similar style but with smaller pieces on The Flemings Nine blog.  There doesn't seem to be a pattern for it but, color blocks are pretty popular these days so a quick search will give you plenty of free blocks patterns to choose from and adapt one to fit the size pieces you're able to cut from your jean pieces.  Or, you can just check out the cutting info below for this one.

The quilts I made are each composed of 48 blocks and measure 60" x 80" finished.  Here are some photos I took as I was constructing the second one along with a breakdown of the size pieces I used.

Press all seams toward the black fabric.

Each block denim:
  • 5" x 10"
  • 5" square
  • 5" x 2 1/2"
  • (2) 2 1/2" squares
Each block black:
  • 1" x 10"
  • (2) 1" x 5"
  • 1" x 2 1/2"

1" x 10" between blocks (40 pieces for this quilt) and 1" x length of finished rows.  The blocks should measure 10" but, I did have to square them up a bit before joining them because jeans had stretch fabric. If yours does too, measure the completed rows and use the average measurement before you cut the rows of sashing.

I used 3 1/2" binding strips so the outside edge would be the same 1/2" finish as the rest of the black pieces in the quilt.

Click on the photo to enlarge it.


Begin by sewing black strips to the block pieces but, only sew them on half of the 2 1/2" squares. 

Sew 2 1/2" squares together.

Sew the black edge of the 2 1/2" x 5" strip to the squares.

Sew the black edge of the 5" square to the previous unit. 

Add the black edge of the 10" x 5" square to the side of the previous unit.  Construct all of your blocks with the pieces positions in the same way.

Next, sew your blocks into pairs by adding a black strip between blocks and rotating one block 90° counter clockwise.

My rows are 6 blocks across (3 pairs of blocks).  Add sashing to join pairs of blocks but do not add it to the beginning or end of each row.  The binding strip will complete the design.  (As mentioned above, I cut the binding at 3 1/2" so it would be a wide 1/2" finished binding.) 

All of the rows are construced the same.  Just flip every other row upside down





Unknown said...

Please help out a newbie,, I understand that the 1inch sashing makes 1/2 inch strips using 1/4 inch seams for all the blocks.
But I really don't understand how 3 1/2 sashing for the border will result in 1/2 inch strip front and back. If the strip is sewn 1/2 Inch seam, folded over and repeat other side of quilt,, That only adds up to 4× 1/2 inches = 2 inches wide sashing,, not the 3 1/2 you suggested?? I'm so confused 🤔
Many thanks

Anonymous said...

fold the binding in half. Now it is 1.75" stitch the 1/2" seam. Fold over the binding and stitch on the folded edge, by hand or by machine. With the turn of cloth it may be the same size as the sashing.

Debbie said...

I have taking on my first big challenge in quilting. I cut out the squares and have put the first set together. I realize that 2.5 pieces sewed together with 1 inch piece between, threw off the measurement of 5”by5”. So when you sew the 5”by 5” to them it is off. If I square it off I have to cut some of the 2.5 square. Is that how yours was or am I doing some thing wrong. Suggestion on how to go forward with the rest.

Sharon said...

I also agree with Deb. The measurements are not working out. Any suggestions.

Leslie said...

What do you use for the backing? How do you attach it?