Goals & UFO #13

Another fun thing some of the Stashbuster group members do is post a FAB 4.  The idea is to not overthink things and get overwhelmed by all the ongoing projects, bins of UFO's, and fabric stash.  You can list weekly or just work through your list of 4 items one at a time for however long it takes if you prefer, either slotting in new tasks as you check off completed ones or making a whole new list when you finish.  Your choice.

I'm going to try and list mine weekly.  With school starting back in a week and resuming my part-time school crossing guard job, I think it will help keep me productive and focused.  

Here's my list for the upcoming week:

Week 31: 
  1. - Begin really reassessing remaining UFO's and decide to Fling, Finish, Revise, or Restash
  2. - Work on piecing blocks for UFO #11 (August's random number)
  3. - Bind UFO #32 (May's random number)
  4. - Sort out short strings to make a "3 at a time" quilt layout 
I began today by pulling out UFO #13 and was surprised to find that the blocks are pieced and sewn into rows.  Not much assembly left on this one so it's a keeper (placed in
the "to be finished" pile).  I was happy to discover I even have a suitable backing for it on the shelf that I think will work just fine. It's the gold mottled fabric on the left. Edit: I found a coral marble fabric that will work better in my stash.  I'm leaving the backing on the shelf because it may be enough for a second quilt.  But, I tagged it with how much I'll need for this quilt so I don't mistakenly plan to use it for something else.

The quilt I'm making is the one shown on the book cover.  

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