The good, the bad, and the ugly!

It started out because I needed to change the battery in this clock...

The Good

I had to roll out the little table that my TV sits on to get to it.  That quickly evolved into "I think I need to just move everything out while I'm at it so I can dust and sweep behind it".

The Bad

You can probably tell where this is going, right?

The Ugly

And, I have no clue where it will end up.  Right now, I'm trying to figure out a place to relocate my Studio Cutter.  (Maybe the guest room/home office?)  It's taking up valuable real estate for the few times a year I use it but, I'm not ready to let it go.  Not yet anyway. 

Hopefully, I have it figured out by the time I get everything put back in place.  

As much trouble as it's been to replace that clock battery, it sure better last a while!  


Quilty bird said...

I am very familiar with this type of slippery slope.

Amy B in CO

Time To Quilt said...

To continue the metaphor Amy, it definitely snowballed on me! lol