Quilting Safe Haven

 I'm quilting my second UFO tonight - the quilt formerly known as Safe Haven since I chose not to complete the design in the original pattern.  Colors are awful in this photo but, the best I can do tonight.

"Safe Haven" is the perfect name for how I feel right now, home safe in my little cocoon away from all the turmoil "out there".   To put it nicely, I'm deeply disturbed by the events of the last couple of days.   So, I quilt.. it's more productive and makes me a lot happier than screaming at the t.v.


1 comment:

Becky said...

Saw you link on Stashbusters. When I first got my longarm, I loaded a lot of cheap backings and/or old sheets, muslin, whatever. Put in some batting, again on the cheap side and practiced away. I still see those items when I go into my husband's workshop - they cover a lot of big tools - lathe, planer, joiner, - to keep down the sawdust on them. They also cover a Locomobile that resides in my finishing room. It is fun to look at them and see how I've progressed. Just a thought for practice.