Land's End knockoff quilt

 I finished another UFO, #37 on my list.  The top was made a few years ago to fit a full size bed for our guest room.   We replaced that bed years ago with a trundle but, I still love the quilt and since the bed is against the wall, being too wide for the bed is not a problem.

Here's a picture of the whole quilt.  It measures 80" x 100". 

I was inspired by a quilt I saw in a Land's End catalog around 2005.  I saved the page in my inspiration photo album for several years before I actually got around to making the top.  

Teal is my favorite color and it works well with all the sea shells my husband and I have collected over the years.  Most of them are from local beaches but, we've collected others from vacations to the Bahamas, Daytona Beach, Key West, and Sanibel Island.  

I like displaying our shells and was lucky to find these teal colored Ball mason jars a few years ago.  One of them displays a starfish we found washed up on shore.   Another one holds lots of tiny shells.  Those are always easy to find because most people just walk right past them looking for larger shells.  I also put broken shell pieces in the jar because it look more like the actual beach than a souvenir shop!


I dropped a few small shells from our first trip together to St. Augustine in the oil of this little reed diffuser.

 And or course, I don't think there's a room in our house that doesn't have something in it from Target!  lol  This photo is from the day I purchased the teal glass jar.  It sat empty for a while but, I've since added a few pieces of coral we found on our trip to Key West last year.

Last but not least, another one of my favorite things is this old beach pail.  I filled it with stuff Sam brought home one day, more roadside finds.  Lots of shells, some coral and, a couple of sand dollars.  :-)

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