FAB 4 Week #35

I'm super happy to have the quilting marathon finished in a week. It feels great not to have any UFOs flimsies left.   I like to sit and bind at night so having a pile to work on doesn't bother me.  

Here are my goals for the coming week:

Week #35

  1. Quilt batik string top.
  2. Cut a few scraps in the morning before work - hand sew bindings after dinner.
  3. This week I'll get back to setting the blocks for UFO #11 - August random draw.  
  4. Work on blue string blocks. (Rolled over from last week.)
I've decided to put my Christmas UFO on the back burner for now, rather than dedicate one day a week to work on it. When I was making out my FAB 4 for this week, I found myself dreading it as soon as I put it on the list.  It's not that I'm no longer interested in making the quilt.  I'm just looking forward to spending more time on UFO #11.  I'll reevaluate that Christmas BOM when I get closer to completing my UFO list.

Here's how the batik string quilt top turned out.  I like it!  I think it really has a BOHO vibe. 

Sorry about the crappy photo!  I should have taken care to straighten out the narrow borders a little better because they look wavy.  They're not!  I learned my lesson the hard way when I just slapped them on once thinking they looked fine.  They did - until I was quilting along and got to the bottom of the quilt. OMG!  Never again!  They're a royal pain to quilt if you don't take the extra step to cut and measure.  I don't know how professional long arm quilters deal with wavy borders on a daily basis.  They don't have an easy job!

50" x 75"

I made a lot of progress last week.

Week #34 in Review

1. Quilt for 2 hours a day Done! (I had tension issues on the last one of the 7 UFO flimsies I had to quilt so, I threw on two panel quilts for practice.  I also added the borders to a 3 Yard Quilt that was in progress and quilted it.  I tried a new pantograph on the top left quilt and I really like it.  I'll show you a close up after I get it bound. )

2.  Hand stitch bindings 1/2 hour in the morning and an hour after dinner.  Done! (Finished binding these two UFOs.

3  Set the finished string blocks into a quilt top. Done!  

4.  Prep for next string quilt using the leftover blues from Seafarer quiltNope, rolling over to next week.  I plan to work on string quilts on Sundays but, we spent the morning on the butterfly habitats and then went to a granddaughter's birthday party this afternoon.   

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