Another Healthy Choice knockoff

 Tonight I tried to make another one of Cafe Steamers dinners I like.  I used the recipe I found for Mexican Street Corn at The Skinnyish Dish and added chicken and black beans to it.  These are the ingredients I used (I forgot to add the chicken and Hellman's light mayonnaise in the photo). 

The recipe importer at My Fitness Pal is easy to use, just copy and paste the link to the recipe.  You can then add or substitute ingredients.    I usually enter all the ingredients and then adjust the number of servings to get to the amount of calories I want.

I weight the entire thing in grams and then divide by the number of serving.  I place each container on the scale and spoon the contents until it reaches the correct weight.  

Example:  total weight 1243 grams divided by 12 servings = approximately 103 grams per container.

Their photo is better but the contents of both taste pretty similar.  (And, mine cost less than half as much as theirs.)  I made 12 servings.  Their dinners are 240 calories and mine are 182. (Next time, I'll double the amount of sauce and change them to 203 calories each.)

I have 5 types of frozen meals I make in batches now.  I deliberately choose different types of dollar store containers so I can easily distinguish them from each other in my freezer. 

It's pretty easy to pop them out like ice cubes if you prefer to microwave in a regular bowl like I do.   If one gets a little stubborn, putting the container in some warm water for a minute or two usually solves the problem.

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