
I'm not really sure who first coined the term "frankenbatt".  It's a quilt batting created by piecing together leftovers from previous quilts.

That's what I'm doing tonight.  Not very exciting but, it needed to be done so I can use it to quilt my Boho string top this week.  I like to piece my leftovers together as I accumulate them.  My favorite quilt size to make is 50ish by 70ish lap quilt. I make my frankenbatts about that size (with a little extra for long arm quilting).  

Those few pieces of batting in the photo above are shorter strips. I'll piece those together tonight or tomorrow for a fast little donation quilt.  My favorite pattern to use for those is Mary Quilts free Quick Strippie pattern.  


Mary Johnson said...

Haha … I also make pieced battings from my leftover bits and like using them for my smaller quilts … like my Quick Strippies.

Time To Quilt said...

I haven't figured out how to reply by email yet.
But, if you see this - THANK YOU so much for your inspiration and taking time to share your processes and instructions. You have to wonder just how many Quick Strippie quilts have brought smiles to little faces. ♥